Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine Services
Serving the Brainerd Lakes area in the Franklin Arts Center
Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine Services
Treatments & Relief
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine encompasses many healing modalities that touch people. The treatment session will include what is needed to treat each patient’s chief complaint and provide the nourishment necessary to heal. Acupuncture is meant to be used as a preventative system, but many people begin receiving relief from symptoms right away. The body will strive to find balance, and acupuncture aids the body in recognizing areas that may have created a long time sense of imbalance. Because of this process, the body will also heal in it’s priority, which may not be be the desired priority. Healing in this way requires collaboration, commitment, and change because we can’t heal in the same “place” that we became sick.
The insertion of tiny needles into points of documented significance in healing specific imbalances of the body is one way of describing acupuncture. The energy transfer from practitioner to patient, exterior body to interior body, body to mind is another way of understanding acupuncture. Just as an artist’s interpretation of colors, shapes, and textures deliver her beautiful visions in picture, acupuncture follows the spirit of the healer; each practitioner will see, hear, smell, and feel uniquely – and her touch, her needling, the energy exchange will be intimate and personal.
Auricular Treatment
Chinese Herbs & Essential Oils
A way of extending your acupuncture therapy in between sessions is by using herbs and essential oils that help to deliver the nourishment that enables your system to function more optimally so that it can then have the energy to put toward healing.
I offer the following brands to my clients based on their individual needs; Standard Process Supplements, Essential Oils, Contemporary Herbalist CBD Oil, and Golden Flower/Evergreen Chinese Herbs.
Gua Sha (Friction Massage - Scraping)
Electric Stimulation
Acupuncture points can be stimulated with electrical stimulation in order to penetrate to deeper tissue levels and create a releasing sensation to relieve muscle tension. It can be done on the surface of the skin, using sticky electrode pads if you are nervous about needles. Electrical acupuncture is being studied more extensively in it’s ability to treat patients in stroke recovery, weight loss, and not to mention, pain.
Clean Language Training
‘Clean Language’ helps patients discover insights about themselves and their health, connecting to internal resources and opening to possibilities. Through mindfulness and rapport skills; Clean Language helps patients develop their own awareness of Qi and how to deal more effectively with symptoms and the issues that may be causing them. These coaching tools are flexible, precise and easy to use. By engaging in the healing process, these skills can make a patient’s treatment more effective.
Contact Us
Contact Info:
Franklin Arts Center
1001 Kingwood Street Suite 119
Brainerd, MN 56401
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Phone Number:
(218) 821-0062
Email Address:
[email protected]